BAHAMA BOAT WORKS - the true seaworthiness

BAHAMA BOAT WORKS is a company founded in 2004 in West Palm Beach. It produces ships that could be appreciated even by the members of royal families. The BAHAMA BOAT WORKS yachts are owned by the Prince of Dubai and Sheikh of Qatar, Greg Norman, golf legend and famous footballer Don Stallings. Many of the owners have decided to purchase a second yachts, because the BAHAMA yachts are very comfortable, fast, and safe.

This shipyard was established by the avid sailors and fishermen, who are the experts in safe and comfortable boats. They build the boats with a unique design, focusing on the most important parameter - seaworthiness.

By experimenting with materials and speed characteristics, increasing the speed to the maximum level, many manufacturers are sacrificing the seaworthiness. BAHAMA BOAT WORKS are going against this trend and produces the yachts that have excellent yaw stability and performance under the difficult weather conditions. Safety at sea is what is the main focus at the design stage.

The result of the work is the boat with a central console, with high stability, providing the captain with full control of the situation and confidence. These vessels are able to cross the oceans and be able even in the case of a heavy storm.

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