DAVIS YACHTS - the full cycle shipyard

The American shipyard DAVIS YACHTS has been producing the ships for more than a quarter of the century. During the construction the company uses the advanced materials and technologies. In particular, the yacht hulls are made in molds. The DAVIS YACHTS boats are recognizable, they have the typical features and design. Many ships have a rounded bow.

The drawings and models for the development of rigging and molds were made by the founder of the company, after which the shipyard got its name. Today, two decades later, these drawings are still relevant. The introduction of new technologies and strict adherence to the standards allow the company to make the best vessels - fast, strong, agile.

The shipyard is producing the fishing boats and vessels for water recreation. There are also cruising boats that can also be used for recreation and fishing. The manufacturer has provided these boats with all the necessary things to ensure that they will serve for the long time and will not lose reliability. The time has no power over these boats, because they were made not of wood, but of the composites.

One of the features of DAVIS YACHTS is close attention to detail. The manufacturer takes into account every detail. The details can affect not only the aesthetic appearance of the vessel, but also its durability. Working on the little things, the company has been improving its ships over the years. Today at the shipyard you can order the construction of a fishing vessel or a pleasure boat.

The founder adheres to strict principles - all the components of the yachts and boats must be made at the same shipyard. And the company strictly follows this immutable law while building the boats.

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