
Prinz - the Belgian shipbuilder

Prinz is a relatively new shipyard that was founded in 2001 in Pullen, Belgia. The shipyard belongs to the category of those companies that use only modern materials and strive to adopt the latest technologies in the production. All the projects are first created in 3D. This allows designers to evaluate the ship before its construction.

The computer technology are opening a lot of opportunities. Having tested the boat in 3D-format, you can see its advantages and weaknesses. If the vessel has obvious shortcomings, the project will be prepared more as long as the boat is not an ideal.

During the construction of vessels they use fiberglass and epoxy resins. The system of vacuum injection is introduced at the production site, so the company does not pollute the environment. The environmentally friendly method of the ship production is a part of the company policy. The boats made of the best quality materials and the latest technology, are not only reliable, but also have an increased level of security.

The epoxy resins have an important function. At first, they eliminate the risk of cracks in the ship's hull. Also, the epoxy resins make it possible to construct a tough, but surprisingly lightweight hull.

The Belgian shipyard is cooperating with the Quartostile design company from Italy. Therefore, this boats of this shipyard are so perfect. They have excellent technical equipment and wonderful design. Who else should be entrusted to develop the design of yachts, but the Italian company? It was Italy where the most beautiful hulls have been built.

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