Southeastern Alaska - Yacht Charter


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Discussing Alaska reminds us of Jack London’s stories describing the adventures of gold diggers seeking fortune on the Yukon. You can visit this place on your luxury yacht without being exposed to the cold, wind, and primitive living conditions that the pioneers were. Of course, you’re not going to look for gold, but you will find there’s something much more precious – new experiences and memories. There are still many harbors and islands not discovered, so you may be the first or second to explore them.

You can choose yourself what kind of journey you’ll have. It’s lovely to watch forest-covered islands form aboard your comfortable yacht while enjoying a delicious meal followed by a glass of grog, but, if you want to feel what real north life is like, step ashore and spend a couple hours in the wildlife. You can be transported by helicopter to a river bank to have a picnic, or you may catch trout and salmon in a cold stream from dinner. Alaska has unique fauna and you may see the many animals and birds that inhabit this area, such as eagles, whales, and bears.

Though Alaska is a world of virgin nature, getting to and from it is quite easy as Sitka and Juneau have air access. No matter what kind of trip you have – a “quiet” or an “extreme” one – it will leave the greatest impression you have ever experienced. The brutal, but wonderful North is no less charming than the mild and gentle South.

Southeastern Alaska

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Travel program

Day 1Juneau to “No Name”

Your journey begins in Juneau where you’ll get on board the luxury yacht and go to Tracy Arm, at the entrance of which is the “No Name” cove. On your way, going thru Stephens Passage, you’ll be amazed by the view of mountains so high you’ll to throw back your head to see the tops. Orca and humpbacked whales blowing plumes of spray will accompany you. Tracy Arm, with its icebergs, is a magnificent place to start learning the North.

Day 2Tracy Arm

This is one of the few places on Earth where pristine nature is preserved. Still active Sawyer Glaciers and glaciers dropping enormous chunks into icy-cold water show how insignificant man is when he faces wildlife. Huge rocks are home for mountain goats which feel quite comfortable in weather unbearable for human survival. After observing these spectacular creations, enjoy a gourmet dinner while returning to “No Name” for rest as you prepare for the next day.

Day 3Tracy Arm to The Brothers

It’s a “day off”, so you get to choose from amongst activities like a flight on a seaplane to observe glaciers from the air, a picnic at a remote destination, or a visit to the Brothers Islands. Enjoy the loneliness and incredible wild atmosphere of this deserted place. Then, return aboard your yacht and relax in comfort.

Day 4The Brothers to Red Bluff

The sight of mountains towering at 5,000 feet with glorious waterfalls spilling below will take your breath away. This destination seems to have not been touched by time at all. In Frederick Sound, whales are bathing and playing in the waves, showing their glossy backs here and there. Don’t forget to take your camera as it is a rare chance to take pictures of these graceful sea giants. What about learning to kayak afterwards?

Day 5Red Bluff to Tenakee Springs

The North is not only snow and ice. There are three natural hot water pools (Baranof Warm Springs) which can be called an oasis of southern nature. One more place worth visiting is the village of Tenakee Springs on Chicagof Island. A visit to this charming community provides a getaway like no other. Hike or bike miles of nearby logging trails, beach comb for giant scallop shells, or just hang out with the local artists that make up a majority of the 130 person population.

Day 6Tenakee to Kalinan

The Sergius Narrows outside of Sitka is one of the most beautiful routes on the Alaska Marine Highway system. It’s so narrow that you can watch the lives of shore animals in detail. Prideful and self-concerned bald eagles, nimble and brisk sea otters, and cowardly deer abound. A salmon dinner prepared by your chef will be a fitting end to the day. Spend the night in Kalinan bay on your yacht and get ready to go on exploring Alaska the next morning.

Day 7Kalinan to Sitka

This day your route goes through the Olga and Neva Straits to Sitka. Enjoy watching wildlife and landscapes and then, on arrival to Sitka, sink into city life. Visit the Sitka Cultural Center with its Totem Park or go shopping and buy original crafts and pictures, dine at some cozy café or restaurant, and throw one last look at this severe but hospitable land before flying home.
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