CAMANO - the Canadian reliability

CAMANO is a Canadian shipyard that produces classic motor yachts and trawlers. One of the features of the boats made by this company is easy maintenance. Despite the fact that during the construction of ships, the modern technologies have been used, the owner can easily cope with the majority of the problems occurred.

The vessels are traditionally well-known due to the Canadian quality. They can withstand severe loads. Unexpected failures in such boats are completely excluded. The boats will serve for a very long time without requiring maintenance.

The CAMANO yachts are well designed. Today, most of such vessels are sold by the former owners. The boats are in excellent condition. The hulls of the yachts and trawlers, launched by the the shipyard, are made of stainless steel. They are resistant to moisture. Over the years, the boats retain their excellent appearance.

CAMANO does not make superyachts. But the company excellently copes with its main objective - the production of high-quality and durable trawlers and cruise ships. Many yachts that are proposed on sale by the former owners, have been renovated by the dealers. In particular, the vessel finishing, interiors and technical equipment are improving prior to the sale. Therefore, the buyer receives a verified and properly operating trawler that does not require additional repairs.

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