Carver Yachts

Italian American

For 60 years now, the company has been building cruise yachts 11 to 19 meters long. American native, Carver Yachts makes high quality reliable boats, period.

It all started with two friends taking on a hobby making boats of mahogany just for fun, no money involved. The boats they made were so good that by 1980s their hobby turned into a successful business. Carver became a real boatyard with the most popular premium class yachts in the States. Words “Carver” and “yacht” became synonyms for a large part of American population.

Today Carver makes up a big part of the yacht trading market. No surprise there, as the assortment of available models is so wide. There is an array of yachts to choose from – voyagers, motor yachts, sport cruisers, flybridge yachts and open pilothouse class yachts. Whichever Carver Yacht there is, it will always have immaculate construction, powerful engines and “smart” design.

“Authentic American“ is what people call the Carver Yachts. The company even decided to dispel a belief that American yachts are poorly designed. For that reason, Carver paired up with the Venetian design bureau Nuvolari-Lenard.

Fine wood, varnished in Italian and British traditions, everything made to European standard, not to mention lots of room, the American way. That is the description of Carver Yachts of 21st century.

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