
HeySea - the Chinese miracle

HeySea is a Chinese brand, under which the luxury yachts up to 165 feet in length are produced. The history of HeySea Yachts Company Limited (later - HeySea Yachts Group) is typical for the new Chinese business projects.

It all started in 2007 in Zhuhai, where it was decided to establish the first shipyard in mainland China, specializing in the luxury yachts. Today HeySea is a leading Chinese manufacturer that initiated the yacht market in China. It is interesting that before the founding of the company the country simply did not have its own yacht brands, except for the Taiwan manufacturers who placed their yards outside the island. The Chinese shipbuilders were working with the commercial boats.

HeySea Yachts Group employs 400 professionals with years of experience. The production area covers more than 60 thousand square meters. From the beginning, the company has positioned itself as a manufacturer of luxury yachts more than 60 feet in length. Now it is the leader in the domestic market.

Initially, HeySea aimed at an international customers, but for a number of economic reasons, the company has focused on the domestic market. Now the shipyard is manufacturing the custom-made yachts for wealthy Chinese. And not only for the Chinese people: any person can come to the company.

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