MORRIS YACHTS - 45 years of quality and traditions

MORRIS YACHTS has been working in the US since 1972. The shipyard was founded by Tom Morris, in 1995 he was joined by his son Cuyler. In 2008, the company's founder died and the shipbuilding organization was transferred to a successor. Today MORRIS YACHTS follows the traditions established by the founder. They are building the custom and semi-custom boats made of modern materials.

Several series of boats are produced at the shipyard. There are Ocean Series, Heritage Series, Custom Yachts and M-series. Each category includes at least five types of boats. In the Custom category the custom-made boats are offered. The buyer can order the construction of the yacht and the shipyard will construct a boat, guided by the wishes of the client. Such vessels are most in demand.

MORRIS YACHTS has won many awards, they took part in various activities. These vessels were evaluated by strict jury and were considered perfect. The manufacturer uses the new technology and traditional materials, producing the yachts for the customers. The combination of technology, innovation and professional approach allows to build the effective yachts. In addition, the shipyard seriously comes up with the development of each boat design.

Having ordered the yacht at the shipyard, the client can express his wishes, not only in relation to the technical characteristics of the boat, but also to the design. In some cases, the well-known designers are engaged in the work on the ship. The manufacturer can build a boat quickly if a customer orders the yacht on the basis of one of the mass-produced models - the shipyard has hundreds of half-finished boats.

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