REGULATOR - the modern fishing boats

REGULATOR has been building the boats in Edenton, North Carolina, since 1988. The founder and owner of the company is Brendan Strum. The organization has the certificate ISO 9001: 2008. They are building the ships of sportfishers category. The REGULATOR yachts are practical and unpretentious. They are tested in the harshest conditions.

The manufacturer does not compromise, and tries to build the best boats. That is why the shipyard launches only the ideal vessels that comply with the international standards and make the sailors happy with their speed characteristics. The range of the yachts includes the vessels with a central console that are considered the bestsellers. Demand for these boats is stunning.

The shipyard employs the professional engineers and marine designers who bring the boats to perfection. The yachts have smooth running due to the keel structure. They are made of composites and fiberglass. The ship owner will not feel terrible rocking, being on the board, and will be able to enjoy a trip on one of the most advanced ships.

The designers are developing some models of ships, focusing on the customer needs. The buyers sometimes want the shipbuilders to deal with some specific shortcomings in the boat models. And the engineers successfully cope with the task. As a result, the shipyard is launching only the best models of ships with attention to every detail. They are reliable and have modern design.

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