Yachts for Sale Cyprus

An intriguing ancient history and unique nature remain two attracting factors drawing tourists to Cyprus. A special portion of these tourists is held by the "yachties". Cyprus is home to many harbors and bays, along with marinas and ports highly regarded for mooring a recreational vessel. Natural and historical sites can be seen right from your own deck. A perfect opportunity for Yachts for Sale Cyprus.

Atlantic Yachts: Yachts for Sale Cyprus

Yachts for Sale Cyprus are numerous and vary by types that can only be compared to Greece. The reason is obvious; Greece is much greater in size and owns the largest naval fleet in the world, of which the most significant part is made up of commercial vessels. Cyprus is a bit different in the sense that it does have its trade fleet owned mostly by private parties normally of foreign decent. This fact can be easily explained:

Find all of Our Yachts for Sale Cyprus

1. Cyprus's legislature is very favorable towards yacht owners. For them, this country is a basically an "off shore" zone, and the requirements for getting a flag are very simple and completion of all required documentation is a fast process. The fees are nominal, as well.

2. Cyprus is located in a very popular tourist region. In order to travel from Europe to the island, you don't have to cross the Atlantic Ocean or even take a plane. Having bought Yachts for Sale Cyprus, you will have a wonderful opportunity to take a long, captivating voyage across several seas. You don't even need to buy a large yacht for that purpose either - a small sailboat will suffice.

The service in this region is also very "tourist-friendly"; there are so many places where you can leave your yacht for extended periods of time, and prices are very flexible. At the ports, you will be greeted by mostly European yachts and ships - Greek, Italian, and French. There are many Turkish boats, as well. You will have your choice of an impressive array of vessels for sale, with a large range of price tags. In Cyprus, you will have luxury Yachts for Sale Cyprus right next to inexpensive vessels. The pre-owned market is enormous, due primarily to many owners trading in their boats for something bigger and newer, being anxious for a quick sale.

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