Guatemala may seem to some people to be a very impoverished country, while others may look at it as dangerous and unsafe. Contradictory to common opinion, according to feedback from experienced and seasoned travelers, primarily yachtsmen, there is true beauty beneath these ugly beliefs for aGuatemalan Yacht. It should be known that this region has a relatively mild tropical climate devoid of extreme drops in temperature and offers a good choice in travel routes, either by land or sea.
Shestakov Yacht Sales: Your Source for a Guatemalan Yacht
Prices in this country are nothing short of amazing, including prices on Guatemala yachts and boats, and would be undeniably acceptable to even a beginningGuatemalan Yachtowner. As experienced voyagers say, "Guatemala is simply ideal for low-budget yachting." A midline price for a sail or motorboat can range anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000. You have to admit this is very favorable for a vessel you can take around both of the Americas.Guatemalan Yachtsales began to rise due to a free trade agreement with the United States of America. Since that time, the country became overwhelmed with inexpensive, simple boats and yachts, vessels made for the "not-so-rich" consumer. This opened the floodgates, and the buyers started pouring in from all over the world. Having bought aGuatemalan Yacht, you will now have a multitude of choices for mooring docks. Even the discriminating US residents, accustomed to comfort and service, prefer to keep theirGuatemalan Yachtat one of the many Guatemalan docks available. Despite the higher level of criminal activity in Guatemala, visitors have full faith in the safety of their boats, a faith that is duly justified.Contact Us Today for Your Guatemalan Yacht
A Guatemalan yachting tourist will never run out of routes and waterways to keep them occupied. No matter theGuatemalan Yachtof preference, you will find the Atlantic Ocean on one side that exits into the Caribbean Sea, and from here, you can follow this through to the Gulf of Mexico, straight to the Florida Coast. On the other side, you will find the Pacific Ocean, which will require a larger vessel to navigate. In order to cross from one side to the other, you will need to reach the not so distant Panama Chanel.