A pass to the elite club
First thing that needs to be said about Ferrety yachts is that by no means are they a luxury item or an elite club attribute. Ferretti yachts are recognizable among the hundreds of other yachts for its immaculate lines and lavish interiors. Their highest assembly quality guarantees to its owner tons of positive emotions, ridding him off any technical problems during the yacht’s operation. An improved soundproofing provides an utmost comfort, absence of noise even with the working engines. Ferretti model line is one of the most elegant in the world. Sometimes Ferretti had to break commonly set design rules, but it was worth it. Needless to say that they use exceptionally valuable and expensive wood detail inside, thus making their luxurious and stylish yacht interiors.
Every yacht is basically custom-made. And even the amount of manual labor put in the yacht, with today’s technology, is extensive. But that’s just Ferretti! Because nobody blames Rolls-Royce for not chasing the numbers and organizing a mass producing conveyor belt. Same with Ferretti - the quality, luxury and style is the first matter of business here. By the way, you make a great investment buying these yachts! But again, who would ever want to sell it?