There are certain requirements which must be considered by you and your broker before your journey begins. To enter some ports and harbors, you may need to have a permit or a pilot boat which should be arranged beforehand. The availability of others depends on the size of the vessel and its flag. Your captain can develop the best route and advise you on the places that are worth visiting this season.

Trust an experienced charterer, otherwise, an amazing trip may turn into a failure. Your broker and captain are able to consider the slightest detail (the speed of your yacht, the requirements and restrictions of certain ports, winds, etc.), everything aside from weather conditions. A charter of your dreams needs to be prepared carefully to limit frustration for you and your guests.

Your yacht will be equipped with communication facilities according to your requirements so you won’t lose touch with the world. You get what you want – a PlayStation for the kids, a video and music system to entertain yourself, satellite communication, and internet to run your business or converse with your friends. Most yachts are Apple compatible so you can use your iTunes aboard.