Custom - the custom-made yachts and boats

Custom is a group of companies that manufactures yachts according to the customerХs orders. These shipyards operate in different parts of the world. They can be found in the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, America and other countries. One of the benefits of application to these companies is the opportunity to get a boat of your dreams that is fully in line with the needs of the buyer.

The customer can order the individual production of vessel of any size - from small fishing boat to the megayacht with royal interiors. By the way, the clients of some companies from the Custom Yachts category are members of the royal families.

It is also possible to refer to any of the companies, if the customer wants to receive any particular ship model, but these boats are no longer available. Before application to the shipyard, you should know what materials and what technology are used by the organization. Some companies produce steel and aluminum yachts, the others have long switched to fiberglass, and the others are working with composites and polymers.

If you are interested in a respectable yacht, you want the fastest racing sailboat or a boat made of fine wood - these companies will probably help you. Having produced the custom-made yachts, the shipyard provide the quality assurance for its ships. Therefore, in the case of faults the customer will always know where to refer.

The shipyards can build not only a new boat according to the customerХs specifications, but also can upgrade the old ship. If the owner is not satisfied with any of the characteristics of the yacht, it is sufficient to find a company in the Custom Yachts category.

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