ERICSON YACHTS - the first fiberglass yachts

ERICSON YACHTS Inc. is an innovator in the world of yacht building. It is the company that has one of the first fiberglass models of sailing yachts. Many designs developed by Ericson have been copied by other manufacturers.

The shipyard was founded in California in 1963. Its founders, Jenkins and Handy, began with the purchase of the molds, but two years later the business was sold to Mark Pitman and Del Walton. Under the guidance of the new owners the shipyard came to life: they built the first mass-production boats designed by Bruce King. In 1968, the company was repurchased by Pacific American Industries. The owners have kept the senior positions. During this period, this brand released a number of yachts with the length from 25 to 38 feet, and by 1990 ERICSON YACHTS Inc. was liquidated. A number of models for which the molds have already been made, was bought by one of the subsidiaries of Singmarine Corp.

Despite its relatively short life, the Erickson shipyard left its mark in the history of yacht building. Its boats were prepared by the well-known designers, and the designs were later used by many manufacturers. Up to this day, the former owners of the company support the forum where you can get more information about the yachts and their operation.

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