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Brazilian born INACE Company is a small manufacturer of mega yachts and fast boats. The company is about 50 years old. In the 1960s, it first used aluminum as a material of choice for the hull manufacturing. Nowadays, the company is a steady leader in the segment of aluminum made yachts.

Along with the motor yachts, INACE builds exception yachts, navy ships, fishing trawlers, tug boats and other types of water crafts that are used in the industrial and transportation fields. At first it was just a military factory, then, little by little, the company expanded its range of manufactured vessels and had gained good reputation as an excellent private yacht manufacturer.

The brand became known to the world in 1987, when several motor yachts were built for the European and North American market. Among them was the Joanna II yacht.

INACE is rather the best charter yacht manufacturer. These vessels are safe to travel in the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean and even the Pacific. Right now, the company is working on a number of vessels up to 93 meters long for private owners, industrial giants and the navy fleet. Preserving their technological heritage, INACE is open for new trends and actively exploring the capabilities of computer technologies.

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