CAP-N-SQUID - the ships for coastal waters

CAP-N-SQUID is a shipyard, located in Beaufort, USA. The company has produced a lot of vessels for catching fish and squid, as well as for leisure and water trips. Some boats were built according to the individual customer orders. For the construction of the ships the manufacturer used the hulls, manufactured by cold moulding.

The boats of CAP-N-SQUID are designed for sailing in coastal waters. They can develop a decent cruising speed. The ships have well-considered design - it is quite minimalistic. Despite the fact that the vessels appear to be small, they are equipped with electronics and technology. Therefore, the owner feels comfortable on board of any of the boats.

Some trawlers and boats for sale, were offered directly by the owners. Other boats were purchased by the brokers from the manufacturer. The fishing vessels that may be commercially available from the brokers today are in excellent condition. They are ready to sail directly from the place where they were bought.

The boats of CAP-N-SQUID are practical and have a relatively simple design. But they are very functional, please, do not underestimate these vessels. They are able to survive on the water under the strong weather conditions. The main thing is to keep in mind that such vessels are not made for the open sea. They have a purely practical function, and they do it superbly.

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