CDK - the yachts from France

CDK is a French conglomerate that has production facilities in Port-la-Forђt. The company is engaged in manufacture of the motor and mast yachts. On a separate site they assemble the mast structures. The company uses the most modern equipment.

Among the yachts of the shipyard the sailing ships have their special place, they are designed for sporting purposes. These are the custom boats that will provide the regattas fans with real pleasure. Having been produced on the modern high-tech equipment, they have maneuverability, excellent high-speed performance and reliability.

The motor and cruising ships are also included in the model range of the manufacturer. Some models are equipped with the trim masts. These boats are designed for travel, leisure and water trips. Some of them are presented as the sports ships. They are intended for sports fights in relation to the speed and maneuverability.

Any boat produced by the French shipyard, is distinguished by its true French design. They are elegant and flawless. Such yachts can enchant at first sight. It seems that they do not have the disadvantages, and it is true.

CDK continues to produce the ships, while cooperating with the brokers in different countries. The brokers can offer the new and second-hand vessels, produced by this shipyard. The yachts are in excellent condition, even if they had a wild past.

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