Diesel Duck

Diesel Duck - a new class of cruisers

Diesel Duck represents the boats with sail and engine equipment, combining the advantages of both types of yachts and built specifically for traveling. This is a true legend in their class, designed in California. Today, Diesel Duck are built at several major shipyards.

The history of Diesel Duck began in the 80s, from the two sailors and travelers, Joe and Pat Blackshaw. At some point, they were tired of problems with the fiberglass sailboat, and they decided to pick up a motor cruiser. Alas, none of the ready-made options was good for them. So they had an idea to produce the first motor-sailing yacht. Soon the project was implemented, and after some time the ship was built. The first "Diesel Duck" consumed only one gallon per hour at idle and was made of steel.

Diesel Duck gained huge popularity. The concept of a reliable, cost-effective and versatile vessel with a simple construction relished many yachtsmen, and then the shipbuilders. The steel, two types of rigging, comfortable and rather spacious cabins - all these things made the boat almost legendary in its class.

Diesel Duck is rather a new concept, a new kind of boat than the brand or model. These yachts are built by many shipyards, including the large, custom-made, and others. They are popular because they can provide the travelers with everything they need in the marine cruises: reliability, advanced features, and safety. The owner of "Diesel Duck" will never be surprised by the calm sea or running out of fuel.

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