DUBOIS - fast, easy, convenient

DUBOIS Naval Architects is a British company designing the superyachts and speedboats with motor and sail rigging. It is located in Hampshire (Lymington).

The history of DUBOIS began in 1977. A year earlier, the future owner of one of the most famous design offices, Ed Dubois produced the yacht on which he won the Ton Cup championship. This yacht attracted a lot of attention, so Dubois began racing career and established the company that has become one of the most famous in the world of yachting.

Later DUBOIS Naval Architects built the champion yachts. For tens of years the company gained victory after victory. Up to this day, they are designing the high-speed, lightweight, reliable yachts of all sizes. The company also has the projects of smaller motor boats, and the superyachts well-considered to the last detail.

DUBOIS is a sign of quality. The yachts the designs of which have been developed in the company, have the best-in-class speed performance, they are safe and suitable for professionals in the field of yachting. They can win any sailing regatta, and if desired, you can go on a long journey.

Much attention in DUBOIS is paid to the speed. They do everything to make the boat faster and more maneuverable. These are some kind of sports cars in the world of yachting.

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