HODGDON - the oldest US shipyard

Hodgdon is a shipyard, located in East Boothbay (Maine). It is the oldest US shipbuilding company that has been existing for two centuries. Already six generations of the Hodgdon family are engaged in the construction of yachts. During its existence the company has produced and has launched more than 400 vessels.

1816 was the year when the HODGDON company was founded. It was then, 200 years ago, when Caleb Hodgdon launched the first schooner with the length of 42 feet for the local fishing fleet. Up until 1870 the shipyard was administered by Caleb, who launched 24 commercial vessels. The grandsons of the founder has long worked on other shipyards, including Herreshoff in Bristol, and in the beginning of the XX century they returned and continued the family business.

In XX century, the company built the large patrol boats, but in 1954 there was a fire that destroyed the shipyard and designs. George Hodgdonu Junior (Sonny) had to rebuild everything without any help. He succeeded, and until 1960 the shipyard buit 24 boats. In the 60s, George worked hard on the yachts for Herreshoff and other well-known companies, and by the early 80's the shipyard was completely transformed. Today Hodgdon Yachts is building the composite yachts with traditional and modern interiors. It includes 6 units that build the yachts, tenders, designs and creates interiors, maintains the vessels. Now it is an international company.

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