J.F. James & Son

J.F. James&Son - the Scotland legend

J.F. James&Son is a Scottish shipyard that was founded in 1747. The company has successfully produced the fishing boats, yachts and motor speedboats. The organization has worked for over 200 years, and then was closed. One of the well-known models of this brand of yachts is Fifie. The company was founded by John Miller.

At first the shipbuilding company released the fishing boats for organizations such as St.Monans, Pittenweem and Anstruther. It is known that simultaneously the company produced coffins and carried out various carpentry works - the shipyard employed the excellent carpenters, because the main part of the ships was made of wood.

Later the shipyard received the second construction site. It began to build the large fishing boats Fifie, as well as the steam trawlers, drifters, cargo ships and speedboats. When the first internal combustion engine was released, it was placed on one of the Fifie boats. This ship became the flagship of the brand.

During the war the company built the warships, including the torpedo boats. Some boats were designed directly by the owner of the company. The well-known architects also worked at the shipyard. For all the time of their work at the shipyard some serious know-how and developments were created at the shipyard. The discoveries have been patented.

Today, although the company does not build the boats anymore, the buyer can purchase the ships built at the Scottish shipyard. They are still in excellent condition. The boats were slightly modernized, mostly in relation to the equipment of vessels with various technological innovations.

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