JANNACE is a range of vessels that have been designed by the renowned naval architect CHARLES J. JANNACE. This engineer has gained worldwide fame thanks to the custom designed sailboats and fishing boats. The architect has been designing the vessels for 60 years. Today his sailboats and fishing boats continue to play the seas. Some shipyards are still using the designs of that engineer.

CHARLES J. JANNACE created a whole range of Blackfin ships, the boats Shearwater, Northcoast, Bluewater, Moto Marine and many other models. The Shearwater ships have been developed for the British shipyard, Bluewater - for the Japanese and Moto Marine - for the Greek. It is believed that any pier from the Azores to Zanzibar has at least one boat, designed by this architect. And often it is exactly like this. The architect has produced the commercial fishing vessels.

The architect developed his vessels in Delmar, Maryland. He tried to make the boats lightweight, fast and practical. The vessels for fishing and sports should be like this. And the developer has turned to make the yachts and sailboats maneuverable and fast, but also durable.

The vessels are distinguished by the classical features and are made in discreet colors. They are simple, but at the same time functional. The owners of such vessels are mostly fishermen and sailing enthusiasts who highly appreciated the vessels designed by the architect. Today the boats made according to the projects of an engineer from Maryland, can be bought at the brokers. They have kept their appeal and functionality.

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