Mallorca Yates Y Barcos

Mallorca Yates Y Barcos - everything for the yachtsman

Mallorca Yates Y Barcos is a company operating in the field of services for the yachtsmen. Its central office is located on the island of Palma, not far from mainland Spain, on the coast of the Balearic Sea.

The yacht building is just one of the work field of Mallorca Yates Y Barcos. The company is producing the custom-made boats. They can be built both the sailboat or motor yacht. These are the exclusive vessels. The company acts as the organizer of the construction, selecting the experts and shipyards for the implementation of the client's project.

The company also provides the charter services, provides the sailboats and motor yachts for rent, is engaged in the sale of vessels produced by itself and by other shipbuilders.

Mallorca Yates Y Barcos offers a full range of services for the yachtsmen. They can provide a berth for storage of the yacht, carry out the maintenance, eliminate the damages of the ship, even clean it. If necessary, the company can find the captain with a crew and arrange the meals on board during long cruises.

Mallorca Yates Y Barcos regards everything with attention. The yachts made by the company meet the requirements of the future owner. These are the durable, beautiful ships that are easy to navigate.

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