MIRAGE MANUFACTURING - the leaders in the field of fiberglass

MIRAGE MANUFACTURING has been working in Gainesville, the USA since 1971. They are building trawlers and vessels for sport fishing. The main part of the ships of this shipyard are custom. But the company can also produce industrial and semi-custom boats. All yachts are custom-made. In order to buy a boat in the company, it is necessary to make an order for the construction. The serial models are also presented at the shipyard, and they are in demand along with those that are custom-made.

The company uses the latest technology to make the boats even more comfortable, reliable, safe and beautiful. WhatХs the use to buy a boat that can not withstand the prolonged loads? The shipyard understands what the customers need: more often it is a desire to stand out. There are true lovers of the sea among the customers too, but they are fewer.

Recently the latest models of the shipyard boats that were developed this year became available. The company's management decided to run different web sites for the trawlers and fishing boats. Also, the trawlers and yachts of MIRAGE MANUFACTURING can be found at the brokers. The sellers have even the older models of boats produced by the company a few decades ago.

The shipyard professionally uses fiberglass and laminated wood, building the lightweight and strong court. This technology is developed in MIRAGE MANUFACTURING most. The buyer, having ordered a boat in the company can rely on the attention to every detail. The shipbuilding company specialists undergo regular refresher courses.

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