NAKSKOV SHIPYARD - the German shipbuilder from the town of Nakskov

NAKSKOV SHIPYARD is a shipbuilding company that produced the vessels in Germany during the period from 1916 to the 1980s. The shipyard was founded by Hans Niels Andersen. The company has successfully worked for several decades, until it was experiencing difficulties due to competition. In 1980, the town of Nakskov was virtually empty -the shipbuilding company ceased to exist.

NAKSKOV SHIPYARD employed more than 2,200 employees. They were building different types of ships, including commercial ones. The shipyard received the highest profit during the postwar period, when it was necessary to rebuild the German Navy.

In the 1970s the level of competition was intensified, and in 1976 the shipyard workers agreed to increase the wages for four years. However, 800 of the 1,900 employees were laid off in 1978. In 1986, when the elements of FARO bridge and ferry for the Aarhus-Kalundborg route were completed, the shipyard was closed.

Today the shipyard production site is operating only as a manufacturer of wind turbines. The custom, semi-custom and industrial vessels of the company can be found on sale. The brokers offer the boats with different years of manufacture, built in the town of Nakskov.

Many ships were built using the materials such as steel and aluminum. They are durable and can be used for hundreds of years without any signs of damage. The oldest vessels of the shipyard are attracting the attention of collectors. They are of special value.

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