
Navalcantieri - the masterpieces from Italy

Navalcantieri is the Italian company that is building the vessels in Naples. It is certified by RINA-ISO 9001-2008. The shipyard employs 20 technicians, who in a short time can create a reliable boat. The shipbuilder is carefully developing each project in order to create a really beautiful boat in the Italian style. The hull shape and yacht interior are developed by the designers.

The company has a number of advantages. It has extensive experience in shipbuilding and even designs many accessories for the boats, without referring to the third-party vendors. The shipyard is not only building the yachts, but also carring out the repair of vessels of any type. The boats launched by Navalcantieri, are served by local craftsmen.

The individual construction of the yachts can be ordered from the manufacturer of the ships. Even in the case of the purchase of one of the mass-produced models the client receives a modified boat - the yacht will be supplied with accessories in accordance with the wishes of the customer. When the customer orders a ship individually, a separate design can be created for it. These boats are expensive, but they embody the customers dreams.

The Italian company is building not only the private ships. During the particular period of time they were building the industrial vessels. Today, the companies can order the construction of such a vessel - the order will be executed in compliance with the standards.

The Italian boats built previously are sold by the brokers. At the broker the customer can find the vessels that became legendary.

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