ONETTA BOAT WORKS - the American steel yachts

ONETTA BOAT WORKS is a manufacturer of steel yachts from Portland, Oregon. The company has produced a lot of super-yachts and expedition vessels. Some boats were built according to the customer's orders. The manufacturer is working not only with the private customers, but also with the organizations.

The company is not a full cycle shipyard. For production of individual components the manufacturer refers to other organizations. The shipbuilder is also cooperating with the marine designers and engineers. The company's mission is to monitor the completeness of the project and compliance with the customer requirements.

The ships produced by the company are amazingly durable. The yachts built at the shipyard in the far 60s, are still playing the seas. These are the real masterpieces that have a particular design. Such vessels are a genuine classics, and they are in good demand.

The manufacturer's secret of success is that the company is focused on the essentials. They engage the independent experts and just monitor the compliance with the basic requirements of the customer. A professional approach allows to evaluate the work of the masters as if from outside. The manufacturer can evaluate one or another boat design, pulling away from it and looking impartially.

The company has built such legendary ship as Alaskan Legend and several other ships. Made of steel, they are reliable and safe.

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