
Rio - the Italian dolce vita

Rio embodies the principles of dolce vita - the Italian shipyard was established in 1961, following the economic boom. During their honeymoon on the French Riviera the young Italian family Scarani decided to establish their own shipyard and a shop on the shore of Sebino Lake. Intuition did not deceive the married couple - it was the best time for such things.

The company was founded, and they began to produce beautiful mahogany boats. The motor vessels were equipped with the Rolls-Royce engines - one of the leading manufacturers of engines. In the 70s the shipyard already became quite well known, and the Rio boats became the synonym of the "boats for all and everyone."

If in the 60s the company applied manual labor, then in the 70s the organization changed its principle and switched to automatic. The shipyard began to use new materials that were not very well-known even 10 years. Polymers, composites and fiberglass have replaced the wood. The company began to cooperate with other organizations and release joint projects.

During the next decade the RIO shipyard opened its branches in Spain and France. The 90s as a golden period for this shipyard. The organization began to build not only for the individuals but also for the authorities. For example, they produced several batches of the patrol boats. Also, the orders were fulfilled for some organizations.

Today the Rio shipyard already has the status of a reputable shipping company in Italy. The boats under this brand are available in different countries. The shipyard has its own dealer network.

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