CIM SHIPYARD - the catamarans and sailboats that come from France

CIM SHIPYARD is a French brand, known for its sailing yachts and catamarans. The company is located in Rochefort (France) and engaged in shipbuilding. One of the divisions of CIM SHIPYARD is specialized in the production of yachts and catamarans.

The company is producing the vessels on the basis of their own projects. These are, above all, the catamarans for both customer and professional purposes. Among the latter the best known ships are WATER TAXI, OCEAN VISION, OCEAN VOYAGER. The CIM Shipyard also produces the vessels that are based on the customers' drawings. The company is engaged in both individual and half-series production.

The model range includes the single-hulled and double-hulled yachts with the length of 15,5-25 meters. Along with sailboats there are the motor boats presented.

On the yacht manufactured by CIM SHIPYARD you can make both small and long cruises. Despite its relatively small size (and these boats do not claim to be the mega yachts), they will be able to overcome even the chopping waters. The company focuses on reliability, safety, ease of operation. This brand is valued for the professional approach to production of the yachts and the strength of their hulls. However, the boats of CIM are not inferior to any others in the design or speed.

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