Fifth Ocean Shipyard

Fifth Ocean Shipyard - the Ukrainian yachts with a Dutch quality

Fifth Ocean Shipyard is a Ukrainian shipyard which production site is located in the city of Nikolaev. The company produces steel expeditionary vessels of 20 to 50 meters in length. The superyachts are made by a team of specialists. Only experienced people are working at the shipyard. The team includes the Dutch architects and designers from the Netherlands and Italy. Thanks to their efforts, the companyХs ships do not differ in quality from the European vessels and have the original design.

The Ukrainian shipyard is operating under the guidance of the British consulting company. The ship designs are developed by Ginton Naval Architects located in the Netherlands. This architectural agency is collaborating with many reputable yacht builders and has managed to gain fame.

The shipbuilders did not randomly choose the Nikolaev city as the production site. For two centuries they have been producing a variety of vessels. In the city there are the entire dynasties of experts who have been working on the construction of ships, submarines and other vessels.

The expedition yachts produced by the shipyard from Ukraine, have excellent resistance and Dutch quality. Control of the company's activity is carried out by the British consulting agency. The ships made by Fifth Ocean Shipyard can overcome long distances and cope with any challenges. These boats are not only reliable, but also comfortable. The people on board, will not feel uncomfortable during the journey, even if the journey lasts for a long time.

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