IBC SHIPYARD - the superyachts from the Caribbean

IBC SHIPYARD is more than just a shipyard. The company is part of a powerful organization in Central America. The production site of the company is located in the Caribbean. The shipyard is building the ships that are then distributed across dozens of countries. They are bought in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, America, Europe and other countries.

IBC SHIPYARD was founded by Mauro Caslini at the end of the last century. The company has grown. Actually the shipbuilding company is not the main organization, it is the only one of the subdivisions. The union provides a wider range of services, including the maintenance and sale of yachts.

The shipyard is building the modern ships with a single deck and several decks. At the production site they made a lot of luxury yachts with respectable design. The specialists, who are working on the design and construction of the boats, have a great experience in their field. They produce the yachts of luxury class that are serious and compelling. Such boats are attracting a buyer at a glance.

It is possible to assess the benefits of yachts under this brand even without examining the vessels. Indeed, if you look at them at the broker or dealer, you can not help but buy one of these boats. These superyachts are perfect. The mono-hulled ships have a hardtop and flybridge. They are completely safe. The vessels are designed for recreation, navigation, high-speed movement from one point to another, sports and racing. Each owner can dispose of his ship as he wants. Every yacht has a lot of functions.

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