INFINITY - a luxurious dream

INFINITY is an American shipbuilding organization that has been working for more than a decade. The shipyard is producing the luxury yachts from 46 to 150 inches in length. The company is actively cooperating with the Farr design bureau, ordering the development of design for the vessels. They also use the corporate DSS technology that completely transforms the opinion about the yachts performance.

The vessels made according to the proprietary technology, are more stable, reliable, can withstand severe loads and provide even greater convenience. They have the DSS installed (the dynamic stabilization system). The yacht equipped with such a system, do not to lose balance. Its course is rather smooth.

The manufacturer has been working on a new technology for the past 10 years by improving it. When the yachts is maneuvering between the obstacles, and the wind is strong enough, it is the DSS that ensures its stability. The ship will not get damaged. The yacht navigation is becoming simple and easy. Many boat owners of this brand have appreciated them highly.

It is possible to buy the INFINITY boats at the brokers. The buyer can find even new models, improved at the shipyard. Every year the company presents its new products. The brokers also present the old boats that have been upgraded. These vessels are tested, they are in excellent condition.

The INFINITY yacht will provide the owner with the whole world, because it is a full-fledged ship that can completely turn the life of sea lover.

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