Jacob's Shipyard

Jacob's Shipyard - the legendary American shipyard

Jacob's Shipyard is one of the oldest shipyards, it has already entered the history. This shipyard was founded in the 1850s by George W. Horton, who sold it in 1860 to David Carll. Then it was bought by Henry Piepgras in 1886, followed by Robert Jacob in 1900.

They were building the warships during World War II and returned to the yacht building during the period between the two world wars. In 1946 the company was sold, the shipyard moved to City Island.

In 1958, the shipyard was bought by Wesley Rodstrom. Instead of shipbuilding they began to repair the boats. The company still exists today, it is known as Consolidated Yacht Yard. The organization is engaged exclusively in repair works and modernize the old vessels.

The boats built by this shipyard, became part of the history of yacht building. Some of them are perfectly preserved and continue to surf the seas. These are the serious ships made of metal and aluminum. There were no alternative materials at that time, comparing to today, and the manufacturer of yachts used the most reliable and proven materials. The classic one-decked yachts were made by the company if high-strength wood coated with resins. For example, they were made of mahogany. However the ship hull was still further protected by steel.

Some boats can be bought today. They underwent reconstruction and modernization, but retained its unique design and charm. These ships are legendary, they were produced during the turbulent period when Europe was shaken by the war.

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