JOHN G ALDEN - the architect of sailing yachts

JOHN G ALDEN is a naval architect, founder of Alden Designs and developer of the whole range of vessels. The vessels based on the designs of that architect were built at the famous shipyards. Some sailboats have become popular and have won awards. These vessels have become the classics of the sailing yacht building.

JOHN G ALDEN developed the vessels in the early 20th century. From childhood he was fascinated by the boats, he graduated from MIT at the naval engineer, and then started his own business. His was inspired by the fishing schooners. He sought to create the fast and reliable ships that would have won in regattas. And the developer achieved his dream.

By the 30th of the 20th century his office became popular maybe not around the world, but everywhere where there were people keen on sailing regattas. The secret of success was the Malabar project. This legendary model of the sailboat made the inventor famous. Two boats, Malabar IV and Malabar VII, won the race in Newport-Bermuda. The first race was held in 1923, the second - in 1926. In 1932, the Malabar X boat finished fourth in the race. The most interesting is that the first three places were occupied by other yachts of the same model, that were released earlier.

For 30 years of work, John Alden has produced more than 1000 yachts. Among them there were very successful developments. In addition to the Malabar boats, the architect has also developed a series of vessels 744 Rena that was highly appreciated by many sailors. The leading sailors said that the vessels of this series are one of the most beautiful in the world. In addition, they are quick, lightweight and are able to confidently win the races.

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