NAUTIQUE - the American hero

NAUTIQUE is an American shipyard from Ossipe, New Hampshire. The company is operating in Central Florida. In 1924, the founder of the shipyard W.C. Meloon moved to this area with his family, and one year later he established a shipbuilding company. The shipyard became the first one who produced the vessels be transported on trailers. This made the vessels of NAUTIQUE incredibly popular among the Americans.

Until 1942 the founder worked exclusively with the private orders, having produced the serial small pleasure crafts. In 1942 there was a need for warships. The company opened another production facility in Titusville, Florida. It began to build the large cruising ships. This is military equipment that was produced under the government contracts.

During the Second World War, the company proved itself by releasing 400 boats within 15 days at the request of General Eisenhower. Such a number of vessels in such a short time has beven built at the shipyard. In order to fulfill an urgent order, they had to develop a new construction technology. The company became a national hero, the articles were written about it in the newspapers and magazines. Most importantly that the boats were built quickly and without loss of quality.

In 1948 the company began the construction of the custom-made yachts. Later, on the basis of these first projects they produced the superyachts. One year later, the shipyard built the first speedboats and cruise boats for the private clients. In 1952 the shipyard began construction of the first megayachts. They released a 50-foot boat. Later the length of megayachts would only increase, and the company will gain more popularity among the wealthy clients.

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