Release Boat Works

Release Boat Works - the modern ships with a classic design

Release Boat Works is a manufacturer of sport fishing yachts from Florida, USA. The company was founded by Jim Turner, who previously owned another shipyard in Guatemala. The shipyard is building the custom-made sport fishing boats. The client can also purchase here one of the serial models of the company.

Release Boat Works has been working for a long time - the company has extensive experience in construction of such boats. Having ordered the yacht, the customer can choose the specifications and design of the vessel. Most often, the buyers equip the vessels by themselves - the shipyard is producing the boats being fully guided by the wishes of the customers.

The company makes the real classic fishing boats with an American design. The manufacturer presents his ships as the modern boats with a classic design. The polymers and fiberglass, as well epoxy resins are the advanced materials, mainly used for the production of yachts. The yachts made of such materials, look new even decades after production.

The company understands that many fishermen have a limited budget. Therefore, the shipyard tries to produce the relatively cheap vessels that in this case would have the functions of the luxury boats. The yachts are small but reliable. They are simple to operate and undemanding, they do not require special maintenance.

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