RELIANT YACHTS - the exclusive from America

RELIANT YACHTS is an American shipyard with 40 years of experience in the field of shipbuilding. The shipyard is a group of companies. The company is engaged in designing, building, launching and sale of yachts. At the production site they produce the sailing and motor vessels.

Today Reliant Yachts includes the subdivisions that offer a full range of maritime services. The company positions itself as a responsible manufacturer.

Reliant Yachts is engaged in designing and construction of the modern ships with the electric motors, sailboats and classic yachts with the diesel engines. Reliant Yachts Brokerage is the department for searching of clients and sales of vessels. Reliant Marine Management provides the professional marine advisory services, including the private yachting services and commercial marine insurance, yacht maintenance, logistics, storage, repair, marine marketing and advertising.

The vessels of the Classic Yachts series represent a unique mixture of traditions and elegance of the 30s, expressed in the modern materials and technological advances of the XXI century. Modern series has the laconic forms, functionality and ease of maintenance.

The shipyard does not have two identical yachts - each boat was created on the basis of an individual project for a specific owner. Each customer developed the strong relationship with Reliant Yacht, because the owner usually refers for service to the company during the service life of his vessel.

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